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21. First Amendment

The amendment to the U.S. Constitution which sets out freedom of speech, right to petition, free practice of religion, freedom of assembly, and freedom of the press; continues to be the subject of court cases on both the State and Federal level 

22. Fiqh

Also spelled fikh, it is the law of Islam.

23. Fifth Amendment

An article of the U.S. Constitution which provides fundamental rights in regards to due process. For example, when a suspect is read his Miranda Rights he is told he has to right to remain silent, this would be pleading the fifth.

24. Fieri Facias

A write of fieri facias commands a sheriff to take and sell enough property from the person who lost the lawsuit in order to pay the amount owed by the judgment.

25. Fiduciary

A legal duty of loyalty and faithfulness towards another.

26. Fiat

A shortly-worded court order.

27. Ferae Naturae

Latin, "wild in nature."

28. Felony

A serious crime for which the punishment would entail more than a year of imprisonment.

29. Federalism

A system of government which has created, by written agreement, a central and national government to which it has distributed specified legislative powers, and called the federal 
government, and regional governments to which is distributed other specified legislative powers.

30. Federal Court

courts under the jurisdiction of US law; separated into district courts, court of appeals, and the Supreme Court
