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11. Frankpledge

A community pledge in medieval England where a number of people were jointly held responsible for the denunciation of any crime within their group.

12. Franchise

1)  to grant freedoms or rights to an individual or party 2) a business relationship in which a primary owner grants license or permits other businesses to utilize space or trademarks

13. Fourth Amendment

An amendment to the U.S. Constitution against unreasonable search or arrest.

14. Fourteenth Amendment

An amendment to the U.S. Constitution as a part of the Civil War amendments designed to give full civil and legal rights to slaves, incorporated the Bill of Rights into state law, created the due process clause, and is known as the greatest expansion of individual rights since the Bill of Rights

15. Fornication

the general act of sexual intercourse between unmarried individuals; may or may not be adultery but refers to the relationship between the individuals engaged in the action

16. Forgery

The creation of a false document knowing it to be false with the intent that it should be used as genuine to the prejudice of another.

17. Forfeiture

The seizure of private property because it was illegally obtained, is an illegal substance, or the legal basis for possession has ended.

18. Foreclosure

To eliminate a right of redemption on mortgaged real property.

19. Force Majuere

French for an act of God; an inevitable, unpredictable act of nature.

20. Force

1)  generally indicates a level of real or perceived violence; to break-through; to impose 2)strength; power
