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41. Benefit Of Counsel

having the opportunity to have an attorney and legal advice in any legal matter, but particularly while appearing in court

42. Benefit

1) any profit or acquired right or privilege, primarily through a contract 2) in worker's compensation the term "benefit" is the insurance payment resulting from a fatal accident on the job, while "compensation" is for injury without death 3) In income taxation, anything that brings economic gain

43. Beneficiary

broad term for any person or entity who is to receive assets or profits from an estate, a trust, an insurance policy or any instrument in which there is distribution

44. Beneficial Interest

the right of a party to some profit, distribution, or benefit from a contract or trust

45. Bench Warrant

a warrant issued by a judge, often to command someone to appear before the judge, with a setting of an amount of bail to be posted, generally; a bench warrant is used in lesser matters to encourage the party appear in court.

46. Bench

1) general term for all judges, as in "the bench," or for the particular judge or panel of judges, as in an order coming from the "bench." 2) the large, usually long and wide desk raised above the level of the rest of the courtroom, at which the judge or panel of judges sit

47. Belief

convinced of the truth of a statement or allegation; in a common phrase "upon information and belief," the so-called belief is based only on unconfirmed information, so the person declaring the belief is hedging their bet as to whether the belief is correct

48. Bearer

anyone holding something; such as a check, promissory note, bank draft, or bond; this is important when the document state it is "payable to the bearer"

49. Beach Bum Trust Provision

requirement in a trust that a beneficiary can only receive profit from the trust equal to the amount they earn; this provision is intended to encourage the beneficiary to work, and not just lie around the beach and live off the trust

50. Battery

the intentional striking of someone, with intent to harm, or in a "rude and insolent manner," even if the injury is slight; negligent or careless unintentional contact is not battery no matter how great the harm; battery is a crime and also the basis for a lawsuit as a civil wrong if there is damage
