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31. Libel

Written form of defamation

32. Liability

Any legal obligation,either due now or at some time in the future.

33. Lex Situs

Latin, a conflict of law rule that selects the applicable law based on the location of something

34. Lex Scripta

Latin, written law; statutes.

35. Lex Non Scripta

Latin, unwritten law; the common or custom law; as opposed to lex scripta.

36. Lex Loci

Latin, the law of a place as in where a right was acquired or a liability incurred.

37. Lex Fori

The law applicable to particular legal proceedings; Latin, for the law of the forum.

38. Lex Causae

Latin, law of the cause. The law which has precedence, where there is a conflict of laws, to dispose of an action.

39. Letters Rogatory

A request of a judge in one jurisdiction to a court of another, to examine a specific witness.

40. Lessor

The person who grants a lease, usually the owner of the thing leased.
