A ruling by the judge in a lawsuit that terminates the trial at that point and results in a dismissal of the plaintiff's case and judgment for the defendant.
Latin, "it does not follow." The term usually means that a conclusion does not logically follow from the facts or law.
Operated as nearly as possible at cost; an organization not seeking profit and which does not disgorge excess income to its members
the omission of a plaintiff of defendant from a legal proceeding who should have
been included
Not doing something that a person should be doing.
Latin, Not of sound mind.
The nearest blood relative of a deceased.
Latin, no one should be enriched by another's loss.
To communicate on a matter of disagreement between two parties, with a view to first listen to the other party's perspective and to then attempt to arrive at a resolution by consensus.
A failure to act as a reasonable person would be expected to act in similar circumstances.