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11. Criminal Law

body of law that deals with conduct considered so harmful to society as a whole that it is prohibited by statute, prosecuted and punished by the government

12. Ecclesiastical Law

Synonymous to canon law

13. Maritime Law

A very specialized body of law particular to transportation by water.

14. Martial Law

The suspension of regular government and habeas corpus or the reliance of military law enforcement.

15. Tacit Law

a law that is implied or derived from the people

16. Administrative Law

procedures created by administrative agencies involving rules, regulations, applications, licenses, permits, available information, hearings, appeals and decision-making.

17. Administrative Law Judge

professional hearing officer who works for the government to preside over hearings and appeals involving governmental agencies; generally experienced in the particular subject matter of the agency

18. Canon Law

Laws and regulations over ecclesiastical matters developed between circa 1100 -1500 and used by the Roman Catholic Church in reference to personal morality, status and powers of the clergy, administration of the sacraments and church and personal discipline.

19. Common Law Relationship

two unmarried persons living together as though married

20. International Law

A combination of treaties and customs which regulates the conduct of states amongst themselves, and persons who trade or have legal relationships which involve the jurisdiction of more than one site.
