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11. Executive Branch

The administrative arm of government

12. Exculpate

Something that excuses or justifies a wrong action

13. Exclusionary Rule

a constitutional right providing the fact that if certain evidence was obtained illegally, it is not admissible as evidence in criminal proceedings

14. Examination In Chief

The questioning of your own witness under oath

15. Examination For Discovery

e="MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px">An oral examination under oath

16. Evidence

Proof of facts; facts presented in a judicial hearing such as a trial

17. Eviction

e="MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px">Some permanent act by landlord, or by person or thing under his control, which deprives a tenant of the rented premises

18. Euthanasia

e="MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px">The putting to death, by painless method, of a terminally-ill or severely debilitated person through the omission or commission of an act

19. Evidence

1) something which provides proof or disproves a claim or otherwise believed statement 2)to make clear or evident, to show by proof

20. Estoppel

A rule of law that when person A, by act or words, gives person B reason to believe a certain set of facts upon which person B takes action, person A cannot later, to his benefit, deny those facts or say that his earlier act was improper
