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Total : 16 results

1. Wrongful Dismissal

Being fired from a job without an adequate reason or without any reason whatsoever.

2. Wrongful Death

An American tort law action which claims damages from any person who, through negligence or direct act or omission, caused the death of certain relatives.

3. Writ

An official court document, signed by a judge or bearing an official court seal, which commands the person to whom it is addressed to do something specific.

4. Words Of Purchase

Words which specifically name the person to whom the land is being conveyed.

5. Words Of Limitation

Words in a conveyance or in a will which set the duration of an estate.

6. Witness

A person who perceives an event.

7. With Prejudice

A statement or order that is conclusive between the parties as to the dispute between them.

8. Without Prejudice

A reservation made on a statement or an offer that it is not an admission or cannot otherwise be used against the issuing party in future dealings or litigation with any determinative legal effect.

9. Will

A written statement, usually signed, made by an individual, which directs the distribution of their property when they die.

10. Ways And Means

committee found in the US house of representatives and some states that determines many--if not all--aspects of funding and fiscal decision-making 
