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951. Canon Law

Laws and regulations over ecclesiastical matters developed between circa 1100 -1500 and used by the Roman Catholic Church in reference to personal morality, status and powers of the clergy, administration of the sacraments and church and personal discipline.

952. Caning

 A punishment for crimes employed in certain Asian countries in which the convicted defendant receives several lashes with a flexible cane.

953. Cancel

to cross out, annul, destroy, void or rescind a document

954. Calumny

 intentional and generally malicious false accusation of a crime or other offense designed to damage one's reputation

955. Call

demand by a corporation that a stockholder pay an installment or assessment on shares already owned

956. Calendar Call

hearing at which a case is set for trial

957. Calendar

1) the list of cases to be called for trial before a particular court; 2) to set and give a date and time for a case, petition, or motion to be heard by a court

958. C.I.F.

total of cost, insurance and freight charges to be paid on goods purchased and shipped (Cost, Insurance, Freight = C.I.F.)

959. Bylaws

The written rules for conduct of a corporation, association, or any organization.

960. Buy-sell Agreement

contract among owners of a business which provides terms for their purchase of a withdrawing partner's or stockholder's interest in the enterprise
