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761. Diplomacy

peaceful representations between states

762. Diligence

the degree of attention or care required of a person in a given situation

763. Dictatorship

form of government with a single person as decision-maker; a single ruler

764. Dicta Or Dictum

Latin, an observation by a judge on a matter not specifically before the court or not necessary in determining the issue before the court.

765. Devise

transfer or conveyance of real property by will

766. Detinue

common law action similar to conversion and also involving the possession of property by the plaintiff may also ask for damages for the duration of the possession

767. Deterrence

a principle or objective of sentencing a person guilty of a crime which ensures that the punishment is sufficient to deter the guilty person, and others, from committing the same crime

768. Detention

the act of physically constraining of an individual

769. Descendant

person who are born of, or from children of, another are called that person's descendants

770. Derelict

property that has been abandoned; especially in maritime law: a ship that is floundering or in peril and which the crew has been abandoned without hope for recovery or with no intention of saving the ship or of returning thereto
