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201. Separation Agreement

A private contract between separating spouses resolving issues of joint, family, or marital property or assets, support and child responsibilities.

202. Separation

married persons living apart, either informally by one leaving the home or agreeing to "separate."

203. Sentence

The punishment given to a person who has been convicted of a crime. It may be time in jail, community service, or a period of probation.

204. Self-defense Defense

a type of defense in a criminal proceeding that attempts to justify someone's use of force as necessary to protect themselves or another

205. Seizure

illegally obtained property taken by law enforcement officials that could include any cash or assets purchased by means of illegal activity

206. Seisin

The legal possession of property. In law, the term refers more specifically to the possession of land by a freeholder.

207. Sedition

The speaking or publishing of words which excite public disorder or defiance of lawful authority.

208. Security Deposit

Money paid to another to be held as security for the occurrence of a specified event.

209. Security

Something given to ensure the payment of a loan.

210. Secret Trust

A trust where, to a stated beneficiary, the donor secretly communicates that he/she holds title in trust for another.
