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1. Custody

charge and control of a person or item of property

2. Curtesy

widower's right to an interest in his deceased wife's real property

3. Culpa Lata

Latin, gross negligence

4. Cuius Est Solum Ejus Est Usque Ad Caelum

Latin, "who owns the land, owns down to the center of the earth and up to the heavens"

5. Crumbling Skull Rule

a legal theory, companion to the thin skull rule, which limits a tort defendant's exposure to a plaintiff's injuries to the plaintiff's condition at the time of the tort

6. Cruelty

conduct that causes bodily or mental injury, or apprehension to such injury, to a person or an animal, without legitimate purpose

7. Cross Examination

in trials, each party calls witnesses; ask questions of the other party's witness(es) allowing considerably more latitude then when you question your own witnesses (called an 'examination-in-chief

8. Criminal Negligence

reckless disregard for the lives or safety of other persons

9. Criminal Libel

a criminal offense; deliberate publication of defamatory lies which the publisher knows to be false

10. Criminal Law

body of law that deals with conduct considered so harmful to society as a whole that it is prohibited by statute, prosecuted and punished by the government
